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Default Good meat getting harder to find

AG > wrote:
> (Just need to vent)
> Here in north Georgia I am having a harder time finding good, fresh cuts of
> meat. The supermarkets are carrying mostly prepackage meats in a "solution"
> to enhance flavor (and shelf life). The ones that still butcher in the store
> seem unwilling to do special cuts like leaving more fat on. I have been
> trying to get the local stores and processing plants to do a whole bbq
> shoulder and the reply I have gotten more than once is "they don't come that
> way". I am thinking, "they don't come as one piece off the pig?" I talked to
> one man that ran a local processing plant and he said that my best bet would
> be to buy from a bbq restaurant supply. I can't afford to buy in bulk.
> Thanks
> I feel better now
> ag

Most of the super cheap places don't even bother advertising, the only way
to find out about them is from friends and co-workers. But they're out
there. I just discovered two of them last year, and I've been living here
for ten years.