Tagliolini al Barolo - what to do with it?
Giusi wrote on Sun, 14 Dec 2008 11:50:04 +0100:
> "Doug Weller" ha scritto nel messaggio
>> I've bought some of this, looked on the net, and the only
>> thing I can
> find>> is Italians wondering what to do with it -- the only
> find>> thing I see suggested>> is seafood, and I'd rather not do that.
> Any
> suggested>> suggestions? Thanks
>> Doug
> What exactly did you buy? A dried pasta made with Barolo? Don't know
> why they would do that, but cook a piece and taste it and if it tastes
> of anything special, then we can figure
> out what to do with it.
I wonder how much difference the flavoring of the pasta makes, not that
I've ever tried that one. Colored pastas using spinach and tomato look
attractive before being cooked but the colors seem to wash out and the
taste is hard to notice except with the very simplest of sauuces.
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
Email, with obvious alterations: not.jim.silverton.at.verizon.not