In article >,
PeterL > wrote:
> > It's funny too how you can stay awake a LOT longer if it's daylight.
> Tell me about it!!!
> My body clock was *completely* screwed when I left there!!
I work night shifts. I can empathize. ;-) I tend to get a little
messed up on weekends, hence the weird posting patterns. <g>
> > Dad drove longer distances the further north we got when we drove to
> > Alaska one summer to visit my Aunt.
> >
> > Alaska is gorgeous in the summer. :-) We went to Anchorage.
> The SO and I have been discussing an o/s trip to that part of the
> world...... with one of those tours thru the Inside Passage.
I highly recommend it. I was only 8 years old and I've never, EVER
forgotten it. It's impressive. I can see why people object to drilling
in ANWR, but if the oil companies keep it clean, it should not have much
of an impact. We have a lot of oil rigs in Texas hill country in some
areas and they really don't make much of an impression.
The oil fields near here are some of the most fertile dewberry and wild
grape picking fields in the entire area. :-)
Plenty of rattlers too so one has to be careful...
> >>
> >
> > Sh**. :-(
> Last trip in Tassie, the SO took a *HUGE* step, and drove across the
> (Tasman) bridge..... at night. We had taken a boat tour previously,
> where they took us over the site of the Illawarra wreck.
> She's shit scared of bridges for some reason....... probably 'coz of the
> articles above.
> My sister is the same.
> Me.......... I've been jumping off bridges since I was about 15.
At least she drives. My sister is 36 and still won't drive. She's
terrified of killing her boys in a car wreck. :-(
Peace! Om
"Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive." -- Dalai Lama