Thread: Shelf life
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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default Shelf life

In article .com>,
"Pete C." > wrote:

> SteveB wrote:
> >
> > My wife and mother in law (I see where my wife got it) have the idea that if
> > you put something in the refrigerator, there is no such thing as shelf life.
> >
> > "Well, it's been in the refrigerator," is the common answer to "Is this
> > good?"
> >
> > I finally made a rule that if you can't tell me when it was cooked, I won't
> > eat it................ Oh, I cooked that last week some time ..............
> > Was it Thursday, or the Thursday before .........
> >
> > I'm telling you, we went through the Clorox wipes thing after she saw it on
> > Oprah, and wiped down everything in the kitchen if so much as a fly landed
> > on anything in the kitchen including the ceiling, but she will leave chicken
> > to thaw from 7 AM to 4 PM in the sink at 70 F.
> >
> > I need to get ahold of Oprah and have her do a show on shelf life and
> > kitchen safety foods.
> >
> > I mean, it can have brown mold on it, be unrecognizable, and she will still
> > say, "I don't understand it. It's been in the refrigerator."
> >
> > Help me out. I've tried explaining it. Some good sites that I could send to
> > her friends, and they could forward to her (she won't believe it if it comes
> > from me, but her friends and Oprah are Goddesses).
> >
> > Steve

> If it's been in the freezer at 0 or below, and it was good when it went
> in, then it *is* still good, at least from a safety perspective. Not so
> if it's in the refrigerator.

People in Siberia have eaten Mammoth that's been frozen for several
thousand years...

Or so it's been rumored.

A google for that turned up mixed results. <g>

I personally set a limit of two years without copious trimming. I detest
the taste of freezer burn!
Peace! Om

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