Advice needed: Grilled Pineapple
Puttng together a bit of tucker for the Mrs and me.
(Language for those from OZ. Did I get it right?)
Ham steaks, fried,
Baked Sweet-potato, au naturel
Succotash XL (baby limas/shoepeg corn, bacon
drippings/butter, *good* cracked black pepper)
Orange Sauce: 1:1 OJ and British orange marmalade,
2 Tbs H-P Fruity steak sauce, 1/2 stick butter (rum? no
not this time), reduction to 1/2 volume. Adjust & serve.
Q: Pineapple rings, grilled on black iron. Butter or
oil? If oil, which? Peanut might work in, but what the
Hell, this meal is a cholesterol bomb already (yeah
I know the swee'tater is healthy and it's organic to
boot. Don't know about the porker.) Instinct says
stay with butter. Grill to beginning caramel on
the edges. Yes or no?
Mrs want to know what wine I propose. Wine?
I was thinking straight Barbancourt rum, or maybe
mojitos. Not going to drive anywhere tonite, so
why not celebrate her new car early?
Alex, who doesn't yet get to drive the new Altima
SL. Yes, he has a key. It's a nice looking key. We don't
often think of the visual aspects of utilitarian objects,
IMHO. Just a thought.
God loves dogs. That's why He created squirrels.