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Blinky the Shark Blinky the Shark is offline
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Posts: 4,409
Default X-faces and Wined Chicken (was OT-Viet Nam veterans)

notbob wrote:

> On 2008-12-14, Blinky the Shark > wrote:
>> The group - and its topic - is important to me.

> Yo, blinky.....
> I tried 40news and don't like it.

I think it's one of the best out there for Windows. I'm curious if you
tried it long enough to adequately get it configured for your way of doing
things and to get used to it not looking like the client you've probably
been using for years.

Gravity's pretty good. Might want to look at that.

For the record, I have, and use at least occasionally, these news clients...

Linux: slrn, Knode, Pan, XPN, Thunderbird. Windows: Xnews, Dialog,
Thunderbird, Gravity...and it seems like one more, but I don't have that
computer up right now.

I also have two local/proxy news servers (Hamster Playground in Windows;
leafnode in Linux), so that when I use Thunderbird, which has horribly
limited filtering capabilities, I can give it a PRE-filtered feed -- the
local server runs on my machines, acting as a middle-man between the
remote server and Thunderbird and doing the necessary filtering (of Google
Groups posts, which TB can't filter).

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