Advice needed: Grilled Pineapple
On Dec 14, 5:56�pm, "Pete C." > wrote:
> Chemiker wrote:
> > Puttng together a bit of tucker for the Mrs and me.
> > (Language for those from OZ. Did I get it right?)
> > Ham steaks, fried,
> > Baked Sweet-potato, au naturel
> > Succotash XL (baby limas/shoepeg corn, bacon
> > drippings/butter, *good* cracked black pepper)
> > Orange Sauce: 1:1 OJ and British orange marmalade,
> > 2 Tbs H-P Fruity steak sauce, 1/2 stick butter (rum? no
> > not this time), reduction to 1/2 volume. Adjust & serve.
> > Q: Pineapple rings, grilled on black iron. Butter or
> > oil? If oil, which? Peanut might work in, but what the
> > Hell, this meal is a cholesterol bomb already (yeah
> > I know the swee'tater is healthy and it's organic to
> > boot. Don't know about the porker.) Instinct says
> > stay with butter. Grill to beginning caramel on
> > the edges. Yes or no?
> > Mrs want to know what wine I propose. Wine?
> > I was thinking straight Barbancourt rum, or maybe
> > mojitos. Not going to drive anywhere tonite, so
> > why not celebrate her new car early?
> > Alex, who doesn't yet get to drive the new Altima
> > SL. Yes, he has a key. It's a nice looking key. We don't
> > often think of the visual aspects of utilitarian objects,
> > IMHO. Just a thought.
> > God loves dogs. That's why He created squirrels.
> Butter and a dredge in brown sugar.- Hide quoted text -
Butter, honey n' rum.