"PeterL" > wrote in message
> Omelet > wrote in
> news
>> In article >,
>> PeterL > wrote:
>>> > It's funny too how you can stay awake a LOT longer if it's
>>> > daylight.
>>> Tell me about it!!!
>>> My body clock was *completely* screwed when I left there!!
>> I work night shifts. I can empathize. ;-) I tend to get a little
>> messed up on weekends, hence the weird posting patterns. <g>
> I haven't noticed any weird posting patterns....... just weird postings
> ;-P
>> The oil fields near here are some of the most fertile dewberry and
>> wild grape picking fields in the entire area. :-)
> I really like the dewberry oil that The Body Shop has.
> http://www.thebodyshop.com.au/Product.aspx?Id=81
> But at the moment, the SO is going through a Joop phase.
>> Plenty of rattlers too so one has to be careful...
> [Shudder!!] I *HATE* snakes :-/
>>> >> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Illawarra_(ship)
>>> >
>>> > Sh**. :-(
>>> Last trip in Tassie, the SO took a *HUGE* step, and drove across the
>>> (Tasman) bridge..... at night. We had taken a boat tour previously,
>>> where they took us over the site of the Illawarra wreck.
>>> She's shit scared of bridges for some reason....... probably 'coz of
>>> the articles above.
>>> My sister is the same.
>>> Me.......... I've been jumping off bridges since I was about 15.
> http://bp2.blogger.com/_
> 6mr3i_Vmz3c/SHYXb6kLioI/AAAAAAAAAts/PQntKRFDru0/s1600-h/P1060382cdp.jpg
> http://tinyurl.com/6kwboz
> The very first bridge I ever dived off, as a youngster straight out of
> school :-)
> We used to run out to the middle, swan-dive in and swim back to where we
> worked, in the sheds just to the right of the pic. We had to do it
> quick, otherwise the guys in the towers used to yell at us. They gave up
> after a couple of weeks, when they kinda figgered we weren't going to
> kill ourselves ;-)
Seeing this is a ****ing contest this is the bridge I used to jump off as a
And I swan across the river too.