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FERRANTE[_3_] FERRANTE[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 178
Default Best way to cook a steak?

I made my steak and it turned out fantastic! I bought a 1 1/2 pound
porterhouse and seasoned it with garlic salt. I turned the broiler on
and make sure the pan was super hot before I placed the steak on it. I
seared (?) each side and then turned it about every 3-4 minutes. It
was perfect, just a light bit pink in the middle and so tender it
almost fell apart before I could cut it.

The obligatory baked potato was bathed in real butter and sour cream.
I was going to make some green beans to go with it, but then I changed
my mind.

Anyway, thanks for all the suggestions and my smoke alarm only went
off once and that was with the kitchen exhaust fans going!
