In article > ,
PeterL > wrote:
> >> My body clock was *completely* screwed when I left there!!
> >
> > I work night shifts. I can empathize. ;-) I tend to get a little
> > messed up on weekends, hence the weird posting patterns. <g>
> I haven't noticed any weird posting patterns....... just weird postings
> ;-P
Bite me. <g>
> >
> > The oil fields near here are some of the most fertile dewberry and
> > wild grape picking fields in the entire area. :-)
> I really like the dewberry oil that The Body Shop has.
> But at the moment, the SO is going through a Joop phase.
Dewberry oil? What a waste! Dewberry is a type of blackberry here and
they have a very concentrated flavor due to desert conditions. I'd like
to get some started out back.
> >
> > Plenty of rattlers too so one has to be careful...
> [Shudder!!] I *HATE* snakes :-/
While I don't hate snakes, I can do without the poisonous ones. Y'all
have more than we do iirc. The vast majority of American snakes are
non-toxic. There are 4. Rattlesnakes (including the pygmy and
sidewinder), Coral snakes, Copperheads and Water Moccasins. 3 of those
are pit vipers so are easy to recognize if you study just a bit.
I leave the others alone as they are VERY beneficial for rodent control.
I've loved snakes since I was a little kid. They make interesting pets.
Lizards too and lizards are more of a challenge to catch! :-)
Snakes are too easy.
> >> Me.......... I've been jumping off bridges since I was about 15.
> 6mr3i_Vmz3c/SHYXb6kLioI/AAAAAAAAAts/PQntKRFDru0/s1600-h/P1060382cdp.jpg
> The very first bridge I ever dived off, as a youngster straight out of
> school :-)
> We used to run out to the middle, swan-dive in and swim back to where we
> worked, in the sheds just to the right of the pic. We had to do it
> quick, otherwise the guys in the towers used to yell at us. They gave up
> after a couple of weeks, when they kinda figgered we weren't going to
> kill ourselves ;-)
You, sir, are batshit crazy. <g>
But, I'm mildly acrophobic too. I used to freeze up just jumping off
the bloody high dive board into the pool. I don't like the falling
> >
> > At least she drives. My sister is 36 and still won't drive. She's
> > terrified of killing her boys in a car wreck. :-(
> That's a little *weird*!! Like OCD weird.
I know, but what can one do? I'm just glad they moved back here from
Arizona. That way she has more family and friends to help out as needed.
:-) I'm here for her as much as I can be...
I really cannot blame her. One of MY worst fears is the loss of family
I love them.
Peace! Om
"Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive." -- Dalai Lama