In article >,
Kathleen > wrote:
> I love pot pies.
Me too! ;-d
> Many years ago when my dad first got sick my mom was working nights as a
> nurse and picking up as many shifts as she could while dad was laid up.
> My husband was working nights too so I would go over to my parents'
> place and fix dinner for dad and myself.
> He didn't have much appetite but desperately needed the calories so I
> went out of my way to fix things I knew he'd like and one of them was
> pot pies. Flaky homemade crust, meat, gravy, veggies, a whole meal in
> one dish. A whole pie was exactly the right size for me and my dad,
> with plenty left for mom and my husband to heat up when they got home.
> Another thing I discovered was how to take advantage of his
> Depression-era upbringing. Left to his own devices he'd only take a
> tiny amount of whatever I'd fixed. But if I left him sitting in the
> living room watching TV, I could fix him a plate with decent-sized
> portions of everything and a big glass of chocolate milk and bring it to
> him and he'd finish it all without fail.
<lol> I've noted that if I "serve" dad too, I can get him to eat more.
I need to make some gravy out of those pan drippings I saved from this
past weekends turkey roasting. I've got them in the 'frige.
Sometimes, I can also make up a plate of stuff if he's asleep and leave
it in the 'frige. He'll heat that up and eat the whole thing since it's
Another way I can get him to eat more is to mix stuff into eggs with a
little cheese. He adores Omelets and will snarf down a 3 or 4 egger.
Peace! Om
"Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive." -- Dalai Lama