I was wrong..
"F.G. Whitfurrows" > wrote in message
> "Default User" > wrote in message
> ...
> > "F.G. Whitfurrows" wrote:
> >
> > > [Image]
> > >
> > > [Image]
> >
> > Please don't post binaries to text-only newsgroups.
> >
> >
> Oh...I'm sorry Brian. Did you BBQ guys not wanna see pictures of the beers
> drink everyday here on afb? silly me. I don't know what could have
> me to believe that guys like you might be interested in my binary posts
> on this text newsgroup. I guess you are the only guy to complain because
> most of these guys just figgered I must have made a mistake andposted to
> wrong group. Not you, though, Bri! Nope, not you. You're way to smart for
> ol' Fos. Thought for sure I could just start slippin these little beer
> in here and there and none would be the wiser, but I guess I gotta get up
> lot earlier in the morning to run one by the ol' Default User. Sheesh!
> Please don't report my abuse to the netcops, ok, Bri? I really don't think
> could live with the humiliation.
> For God's Sakes!
Stand down, Fos. You ****ed up and posted to the wrong group. Yer sounding
like our favorite bully Kevin here.
Everybody just take a sip and calm down.