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Default I was wrong..

F.G. Whitfurrows wrote:

> Now you wouldn't be using my untimely binary posting to a text group as an
> opportunity to introduce your personal brand of spam to the group, would ya?
> 'Cause if ya are then go to hell,

What a minute- one lousy link to a commercial site and I'm "spamming"?
I was just pointing out the website of Samichlaus' former importer, who
used to sell a different glass than the one you showed. I'd forgotten
to put the link in the post, thus the reply to my own post. I didn't
realize such an innocent, on topic reply would get such a reaction (esp.
considering the reaction you knew YOU'D get for posting OT and binaries).

I suppose that's why I've NEVER seen a link to the websites of Kamado,
Smokey Mt., Klose., et. al., or for charcoal or for any other bbq gizmo
on this group.

But, yeah, you caught me. I'm the owner of the great beer importer
who carries one of the best known Belgian beers and some fine UK imports
but I'm just dying to make another $1 profit total selling a couple of
glasses to the light lager drinkers on afb...

but if you're not and you're just a
> friendly type fell who wanted to share some really cool beer info with a
> fellow hophead.....Thank you my friend for the very cool link.

Oh, OK <g>. Sorry for the above, as well.