cshenk wrote:
> "Terry Pulliam Burd" wrote
>> Trader Joe's is building a new store within about 10 mins. of my house
>> and directly en route from my drive to/from work. Yippee skippee!
> They are building one in Vriginia Beach too (not on the web site for some
> reason) and I'm hoping it's really nicely located for me. I have a
> feeling it may be on Laskin RD which works well enough. Asked in a local
> forum and waiting for the answer.
"The popular national grocer, known for its exotic foods and low prices,
has signed a lease to take space at Hilltop Plaza in Virginia Beach, said
Mike Bottalico, project manager for the site's owner, Centro Properties
Group. The owner plans to divide the now-vacant North Carolina Co.
furniture store, at Laskin Road near First Colonial Road, into three
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