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ViLco ViLco is offline
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Default Hot Gnudi Revue!

Giusi wrote:

>> Umbria must be a very strange region. I have seen french fries on
>> pizza, but > *never* with maio. If one puts maio on a pizza, well,
>> that's not my planet.

> Vilco, it's the FF on the pizza that is weird to us!

Me too, it's totally absurd. Here in Reggio Emilia it arrived about 3 or 5
years ago, and it freaked me out, it's total nonsense, and nowadays it's
almost everywhere. Luckyly I see very few people ordering it. A friend says
that her 84 years old granny, a wonderful cook by the way, is in a
pizza-with-fries craze.

> Anyway, the fries are on the pizza and the kids pick them up and dip them
> in Mayo in a bowl.

Umbria is a step forward Emilia in this race towards trash-foods. Or not?
Maybe not, expecially if I imagine the scenes I'll witness at Xmas lunch,
LOL: my uncle-in-law will be spreading a thick layer of maio over very
thick, smokin' hot slices of cotechino, while my cousin will drink water and
sweet white wine along the whole meal... sweet Moscato d'Asti with
cotechino, sigh, or with cappelletti or roasts... I couldn't do it even if
someone paid me to do it.
But, hey! Our McDonald's is always stacked as a box of anchovies. They
should try to make fast-cappelletti in brodo and I'd risk to be there all
the time
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