On Mon, 22 Dec 2008 20:11:06 +0100, Giusi wrote:
> "blake murphy" ha scritto nel messaggio
> Swertz wrote:
>>> Peter-Lucas > wrote:
>>>> I just point out the ones that morons reply to, thinking it's me.
>>> See what I mean? How do you tell the Real Asshole Peter Lucas from>> the
>>> Fake Asshole Peter Lucas?
>>> I think it's ironic that we have to have people point out when the
>>> real Peter is being an asshole as opposed to the fake Peter being
>>> normal.
>>> If he were a worthwhile poster, we should know the difference
>>> without having to look at the From: or posting details.
>>> -sw
>> exactly, and very well put.
>> your pal,
>> blake
> Clearly you all think you are immune to someone copying you and stealing
> your group personna, self, ID, but it wouldn't be that hard to do it. I'm
> not going to, because I have better things to do, but I think I could fake
> all but the headers.
if someone was going to forge me successfully, i don't think they could
write assholish things.
in any case, i hope i wouldn't clutter up a third of the group's posts
whining about it.
(note to morrow: you need not think of this as a challenge.)
your pal,