Richo wrote:
> James Silverton wrote:
>> Hello All!
>> We had a discussion a little while ago on crash-baked potatoes,
>> parboiled, squashed and then baked for 20 minutes at 400F. I have been
>> making them for a few weeks and I like them a lot. If you have more
>> than two people, boiling new potatoes for 15 minutes works then
>> squashing, squirting a little olive oil and cooking at 400F for 20
>> minutes. For one person, 2 1/2 minutes in a microwave also works or
>> about 4 minutes for enough for two people. Any old herbs you like can
>> be sprinkled on the potatoes before cooking, even seasoning or kosher
>> salt.
> Do you squash and fluff up a little or just squash, squirt and bake?
> Richo.
Here's the link to the recipe I posted not too long ago - not that you
really need one. ;-)
They are awesome. I made 7 pounds of them for Thanksgiving. I need to
make them again.