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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default Is there FOOD in HEAVEN?

In article >,
(Lass Chance_2) wrote:

> Om---oooops! I emailed you before reading this post.
> Nah....Im pretty much OVER having to puke a few hours to get to the
> "Other Place".
> Ive never tried the Peruvian Torch, but I have some experience with
> shrooms, Peyote, Salvia (didnt like it), DMT (REALLY hated it), Never
> would be stupid enough to do Datura (maybe Castenada smoked a bit TOO
> much Datura? and went NUTS?) natch, THC, Mescaline and psylocybin, acid
> (best of all, IMO) and a few "legal" Sacred Botanicals that didnt
> impress me much.

Iirc, Castaneda _imbibed_ Datura.

Salvia is amazing if you "hit" it right.

More via private e-mail.

> I agree wholeheartedly that these Gifts of Nature ARE great Healers. I
> used psychedelics after the deaths of some of my family members and I
> know beyond the shadow of a doubt it helped me cut through months of
> Healing time in a few hours. I was able to go right from grief and
> anger to acceptance and even to the ultimate Perfection of their lives,
> including their passage from It, to Joy for their successful Completion.
> That can take YEARS sometimes.

There is evidence that Psilocybin, when combined with psychotherapy, can
cut YEARS off of therapy, if the DEA would allow more testing with it.
I've done the reading.

> It seems a great and tragic wrong to me that the "scientific
> experimentation" with these substances was done so poorly, in
> circumstances virtually guaranteed to produce bad results.

Actually, it's more a matter of paperwork and legality. I'll have to
find those book titles and pass them on.

> Imagine what
> a difference it might make for the terminal patient to be able bridge
> the gap of fear and dread thru their use?


> If all things were perfect, some kind person would slip a tab of acid
> under my tongue as Im dying. Not much chance of that, tho.
> Lass

I know. :-(

But I'd rather have a tab of purified Psilocybin. I've tried acid. Not
a fan of it.
Peace! Om

"Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive." -- Dalai Lama