Thread: The Order
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Cornholio Cornholio is offline
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Default The Order

"Lynn from Fargo" > wrote in message
> Allan would never have used the word "terminate" when referring to
> Christy. Besides which, doctors don't "terminate" they stop
> intervening with anything but "comfort cares".
> My friend Barbara was in Palliative Care for a week and died yesterday
> morning. The care was peaceful and positive and comforting to all of
> us.
> Lynn in Fargo.

I didn't use the word "terminate" in reference to Christy. I was speaking
of life support.

Ask Jill if it's really me or not. I just got off the phone with her.

I apologize for the confusion. I deleted my TFM account on this NG some
time back. I simply got tired of the endless bickering.
Peter Lucas posted an email from me clearly naming my alter egos.

I am Reverend Rafe Hollister, Cornholio, Der Licter, Billy Bong Thornton to
name a few.
I am also sorry for this shit to be happening now.

Email me directly if you still have doubts.

Pulling a page from Sheldon's handbook here,
Peter Lucas is my friend. Jill McQuown is my friend. There a lot of others
I can list, but I'm useless when it comes to names.

Oops, I forgot Michael. A truly wonderful friend.
Did I mention Lynn? A true friend indeed.

Pull your heads out of your asses, people. This is the real TFM®. I'm the
one driving daily to Tampa General. I'm the one who once again today took
another step toward fulfilling her wishes. I'm the one who will be holding
her hand when she goes home.