Damsel in dis Dress wrote:
> On Tue, 23 Dec 2008 15:56:54 -0600, Omelet >
> wrote:
>>In article >, "cshenk" >
>>>"Omelet" wrote
>>>>In article > ,
>>>>"Cornholio" > wrote:
>>>>>I will be giving the doctors permission to terminate her life support
>>>>>Merry Christmas,
>>>><hugs> and empathies...
>>>>I don't know what else to say. :-(
>>>OM, be at ease for now. The same bunch running after Peter no doubt.
>>>Truely sick and doubtless to get a rise from us all.
>>Ok, I'm glad that I made a mistake.
>>It's just that he HAS used "Cornholio" as an alias on another list in
>>the past.
> Om, it's true.
Oh no...
I wish there was a way make sense of it all. Why her? Why now after
all she's been through? After all Allan and the rest of her family have
been through? If you're a good person, and fight and struggle and keep
the faith and try hard, aren't you supposed to win?
Damn it. Damn it all to hell.
(And the first moron to mouth "only the good die young" gets a gift
certificate for a complimentary nose bleed, travel expenses not
included. It won't do Cristy any good but it sure as hell would make me
feel better.)