Happy Holidays to All
On Dec 21, 2:58*pm, DaleW > wrote:
> So tonight is Winter Solstice/Yule, and also the first night of
> Hanukkah. Christmas is just four days away. *The New Year is just
> around the corner. I grew up in a Protestant household, Betsy's family
> was secular (she didn't know her maternal lineage was Jewish till she
> was about 9). *We try to celebrate all of our heritages, even an
> agnostic like me recognizes the value of tradtion. We'll be late
> lighting the candles tonight (Betsy has a concert ), but I do have a
> brisket in the oven.
> I'd like to take a moment to wish all of you here a Happy Holiday
> season no matter what you celebrate. I've met a lot of good people
> here (both online and eventually offline), and at its best this
> community is just that- a community. So for the holidays and 2009 I
> wish all the members of this community health, happiness, success, and
> prosperity!
Though I have been posting less and lurking more I have appreciated
the insight and observations regarding wine and all that one may find
pleasure related to consuming this marvelous beverage. So to you all I
wish the happiest of holidays and peace, joy and some wonderful wine
in the New Year!
Tom AZ