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Posted to rec.arts.movies.past-films,
val189 val189 is offline
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Posts: 224
Default so... what did you eat for christmas?

I was invited out - yay.
Hostess served cider, beer etc with crab dip and crackers.
DInner consisted of jamabalaya, bread and salad.
Passed fudge and cookies and that was it. Simple, tasty, adequate.
Only five of us, so she wasn't about to mess with a turkey and sides,
I guess.

Another dinner guest brought some flat, lacey, cheese things - said
she just puts cubes of cheese in microwave and lets melt. Tasty. I'll
have to try 'em.

I brought her some low cal macaroons I made. I drizzled top with
chocolate. Once more I learned the benefit of a double boiler. No
other way to melt chocolate and not burn it or turn to cement.