High Tech Kitchen Idea
> Capture recipes of interest with digital camera. Especially useful
> when you're away and it's not *your* cookbook or magazine article or
> whatever. Beats the heck out of scanning/printing or copying.
> Display recipe(s) in kitchen on a digital picture frame. I just got
> one for Christmas. Today, watching stored pic's flash by, including a
> photo-snarfed recipe or two captured on the camera card, this idea
> dawned on me. I can see the DPF hanging on a cabinet door real soon.
> --
> Silvar Beitel
Silvar Beitel,
The digital picture frame would be fun to store a picture of the inside of
your fridge so you could hang it on the fridge door so you wouldn't have to
open the fridge and stare in it every 30 minutes! LOL!
Geek with forks