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Blinky the Shark Blinky the Shark is offline
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Default High Tech Kitchen Idea

Wayne Boatwright wrote:

> On Fri 26 Dec 2008 11:26:36p, Blinky the Shark told us...
>> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>> On Fri 26 Dec 2008 02:18:08p, Blinky the Shark told us...
>>>> Andy wrote:
>>>>> said...
>>>>>> Capture recipes of interest with digital camera. Especially useful
>>> when
>>>>>> you're away and it's not *your* cookbook or magazine article or
>>>>>> whatever. Beats the heck out of scanning/printing or copying.
>>>>>> Display recipe(s) in kitchen on a digital picture frame. I just got
>>> one
>>>>>> for Christmas. Today, watching stored pic's flash by, including a
>>>>>> photo-snarfed recipe or two captured on the camera card, this idea
>>>>>> dawned on me. I can see the DPF hanging on a cabinet door real
>>>>>> soon.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Silvar Beitel
>>>>> Silvar Beitel,
>>>>> The digital picture frame would be fun to store a picture of the

> inside
>>> of
>>>>> your fridge so you could hang it on the fridge door so you wouldn't
>>>>> have to open the fridge and stare in it every 30 minutes! LOL!
>>>> This would be a way to over-geek the old question about the fridge
>>>> light, too. A frame on the fridge door fed by a webcam inside, so you
>>>> can be sure that when the door is closed the light is really off.
>>> But would make it a bit hard to see the food inside.

>> Why?

> If the light is really off when the door is closed?

Then you can't see the food when the door is closed, whether or not you
have a camera in there. So no loss of functionality by adding the cam.

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