Christy Deserves Better!
> Hand me a hankie. <sniffle>
A response like this is expected from the likes of someone like *you*.
> I'm glad he did. Peter could have published a daily link to
> CaringBridge (just like the candle site is published daily) but we
> often get his messages here before CaringBridge is updated.
That is a lie and is not possible. Before spreading misinformation you need
to pry yourself off rfc for 5 minutes and read your email. I get the daily
updates from the site sent to my email box. Lucas copies and pastes the
updates here from the site.
> You're despicable and vile. If you were *that* sensitive to the
> situation... you wouldn't be here in the first place.
> Just in case you haven't figured it out, I'll spell it out for you.
> Your juvenal antics have done two things:
> 1. You've managed to turn someone many people here find abrasive
> enough to permanently filter (without any help from you, asshole) into
> a tragic hero.
Let them have their tragic hero. They deserve him if they are that shallow
to begin with.
> 2. You've also managed to show *you're* so focused on stalking that
> you can't even let someone go through the real life death of his wife
> (who is well loved here) without turning it into a stalker's
> playground.
You are one really dumb bitch. The people turning this into some twisted
playground are the stupid posters like *you*.
> Grow up.
Find a life