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Nancy Young[_2_] Nancy Young[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 3,651
Default Cooking for a (small) crowd

Gloria P wrote:
> Nancy Young wrote:
>> ladysailor wrote:
>>> On Dec 28, 1:03 am, Sheldon > wrote:
>>>> When I grew up there were no
>>>> choices, we all ate what was placed in front of us and we were
>>>> required to clean our plates, we couldn't pick and choose,
>>>> everything was required to be eaten and without complaint... no
>>>> one was forced to eat and no negative comments were tolerated..
>>>> you could go to your room without but the same dish was served the
>>>> next day, ice cold from the fridge, and the following days as
>>>> well, didn't take long to acquire a broad palate... only
>>>> exceptions were for illness.
>>> I don't remember you growing up but it appears we had the same
>>> parents.

>> I thought the same damned thing. Liver is especially bad
>> served cold the next day. It was horrid enough the first day!

> I would send a child away from the table without additional food,
> but I would never serve the refused food cold for another meal.
> That's a nasty power play. There are some foods that some folks
> dislike and no amount of that kind of punishment will make them
> change their taste.

Even as a little kid, I didn't get it. It's not as if I was a picky
eater, just keep away from me with the liver. I certainly
wouldn't have starved, being that I ate my vegetables.
