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Gloria P Gloria P is offline
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Default Three silly questions about kitchen equipment

phaeton wrote:
> Hello again...
> I'm new to all this cooking stuff, just so you know. As a teenager my
> mom used to always try to pull me into the kitchen to teach me stuff,
> and i'd always be 'too busy' with stuff at the time....
> ...she *tried*. I give her all the credit for that. But now, I have
> to learn it all on my own. But here's some questions:
> 1) "Never put knives in the dishwasher" is something I've read in many
> cases. HOWEVER.... does this apply only to wooden-handled knives? I
> have a set of knives that are all one-piece stainless steel. No wood
> anywhere. Are these ok to dishwash?

Probably, if they are one piece stainless. Wood handles get the finish
worn off and then the wood swells and warps. Real silver knives have a
stainless blade that is glued into the handle and the heat loosens the
glue joint in time. My stainless knives have been fine.

> 2) "Never put copper bottom pans in the dishwasher" is something I've
> read many times as well. I have an old set of Revere pans with copper
> bottoms. What happens when you dishwash them? Does it just discolor
> the copper? Can I buff it back out again someday? Mine are all
> pretty tarnished anyways (I got them second hand).

I don't know the answer to this one. You can get the finish back on
your tarnished pans either with a mixture of vinegar and salt, or even
better, a cleanser made for copper.

> 3) Can i use one of those old-style oven-going thermometers in the
> slow cooker too? My thoughts on this are that it would be great to be
> able to use the slow cooker as a miniature oven in the summertime. I
> could roast things in it on HI while putting less heat into the place
> as compared to using a conventional oven. Once things hit 160F in the
> center they're pretty much done and ready to eat, right?

I don't think so. Even the "High" setting on the slow-cooker isn't
really that hot. Slow cookers are made for simmering or braising.
My first attic apartment right out of college was equipped with only a
two burner hotplate and one of those turkey roaster ovens. It worked
quote well as a regular oven and even provided enough heat to bake cakes.

I look forward to seeing other people's replies.

gloria p