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PeterLucas[_8_] PeterLucas[_8_] is offline
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Posts: 21
Default In Honor of Christy ...

Christine Dabney > wrote in

> On Sun, 28 Dec 2008 00:10:48 -0600, Damsel in dis Dress
> > wrote:
>>We went out and bought some Mahi-Mahi for tomorrow's dinner.
>>Is anyone else doing anything food-ish in remembrance?

> I will...either something with shrimp/seafood, or vegetables (since
> she loved them so much, or if I can find the recipe, the Kahlua Pig. I
> have a pork shoulder that has been waiting for something.....and I
> have cabbage in the fridge. I think that dish has cabbage served
> along with it, correct?
> Christine

from Aug 9, 2007


From: "kilikini" >
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2007 10:46:36 -0400
Local: Fri, Aug 10 2007 12:46 am
Subject: Ping---Kili ....Help w/Hawaiian Appetizer Suggestions


Now, to make the Kalua Pig....

Get a pork butt or shoulder and stick it in a dutch oven. Rub it
thoroughly with sea salt. Add in a cup of water and the equivalent of a
can of chicken broth - homemade stock is fine. For the smokey flavor
(cover your eyes, you BBQ efficianados), toss in about 1/3 of a cup of
liquid smoke. Yes, liquid smoke. I said it. :~)

Put the lid on the pot and put into the oven at about 275 degrees. It's
a low and slow process, but it smells so good while it's cooking! The
pork is done when it easily pulls. The next step is to chop up the
green cabbage.
You can leave the cabbage raw if you place the hot pulled pork directly
over the cabbage; the heat from the pork will wilt it.

Meanwhile, when you take the pork out of the pot, you're going to think
that there will be way too much greasy liquid in the mix, but don't
throw out the juice! When you're done pulling the pork, you want to
pour some of that juice back into the pork so the pork and cabbage soaks
in it. Every time you get an order of kalua pork in Hawaii, it's
sopping in the juice. Plus, you serve the pork and cabbage over white
sticky rice and the rice absorbs a bunch of the liquid. You never want
dried kalua pig.

Here's a link to some I made a while ago..

Hope this helps!



Peter Lucas

You will travel through the valley of rejection;
you will reside in the land of morning mists...and you will find your
though it will not be where you left it.