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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default In Honor of Christy ...

In article >,
PeterLucas > wrote:

> Newsgroups:
> From: "kilikini" >
> Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2007 10:46:36 -0400
> Local: Fri, Aug 10 2007 12:46 am
> Subject: Ping---Kili ....Help w/Hawaiian Appetizer Suggestions
> (Snip)
> Now, to make the Kalua Pig....
> Get a pork butt or shoulder and stick it in a dutch oven. Rub it
> thoroughly with sea salt. Add in a cup of water and the equivalent of a
> can of chicken broth - homemade stock is fine. For the smokey flavor
> (cover your eyes, you BBQ efficianados), toss in about 1/3 of a cup of
> liquid smoke. Yes, liquid smoke. I said it. :~)
> Put the lid on the pot and put into the oven at about 275 degrees. It's
> a low and slow process, but it smells so good while it's cooking! The
> pork is done when it easily pulls. The next step is to chop up the
> green cabbage.
> You can leave the cabbage raw if you place the hot pulled pork directly
> over the cabbage; the heat from the pork will wilt it.
> Meanwhile, when you take the pork out of the pot, you're going to think
> that there will be way too much greasy liquid in the mix, but don't
> throw out the juice! When you're done pulling the pork, you want to
> pour some of that juice back into the pork so the pork and cabbage soaks
> in it. Every time you get an order of kalua pork in Hawaii, it's
> sopping in the juice. Plus, you serve the pork and cabbage over white
> sticky rice and the rice absorbs a bunch of the liquid. You never want
> dried kalua pig.
> Here's a link to some I made a while ago..
> Hope this helps!
> kili

Thanks for posting that Peter! I did not have it on file...
Peace! Om

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