In Honor of Christy ...
Cornholio wrote:
> "Nancy Young" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Christine Dabney wrote:
>>> On Sun, 28 Dec 2008 00:10:48 -0600, Damsel in dis Dress
>>> > wrote:
>>>> We went out and bought some Mahi-Mahi for tomorrow's dinner.
>>>> Is anyone else doing anything food-ish in remembrance?
>>> I will...either something with shrimp/seafood, or vegetables (since
>>> she loved them so much, or if I can find the recipe, the Kahlua
>>> Pig. I have a pork shoulder that has been waiting for
>>> something.....and I have cabbage in the fridge. I think that dish
>>> has cabbage served along with it, correct?
>> I'm going to have pizzle, if I could get it from the dreaded meat
>> store TFM loves so much.
> She said, "Ewww!" when I handed her the package of frozen beef pizzle.
Not just pizzle, *frozen* beef pizzle!
> Actually she didn't say it until she'd looked at it as she held it
> while I was explaining to her what it was.
(laugh) She had the right word for it. You're lucky she didn't
throw it through the front window when you told her what she
was holding.
> The dreaded meat store. That made me laugh. She hadn't gone there
> with me for a couple of years.
> Her reason - "It's cold and it stinks in there!"
I can't imagine why she didn't rush over there with you! Heh.
> I think it was the pizzle that turned her off. <G>
You're right. It wasn't the cold and stink at all.
TFM, I'm couldn't be sorrier all this happened. I'm glad
she's in a better place than where she's been the last few
weeks. She was a prize.