In Honor of Christy ...
"Damsel in dis Dress" > wrote in message
> We went out and bought some Mahi-Mahi for tomorrow's dinner.
> Is anyone else doing anything food-ish in remembrance?
> Carol
If we had taco bell in the UK I'd get what ever huge special the have on.
Just for Allan!
On my honey moon back in 1999 me and hubby pigged out on a bag full of
various shaped tacos. They are addictive, and we did have to try everything
Florida had to offer! I was always amused when the topic if Allan and Taco
bell came up, and someone always went wild with indignation that anyone
would eat there. I'm sure Kili would appreciate us eating what Allan eats,
as much as what she desired. She came across as she would give Allan her
last breath if he needed it. It shows in the photos of them together too.