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Dave Bugg
Posts: n/a
Default I've missed you guys. I'm finally back.

It's been a real, working trip back, let me tell you. [NOTE: The
following is said WITHOUT being on a medication protocol] :-) :-)

I feel happier and healthier than since I can remember. I'm able to deal
with conflicts and anger in a tremendously healthier manner. I am far less
self-centered, controlling and selfish than I ever have been. I am REALLY
learning to be content with where my life is.... and yet I am far more
energetic about accomplishing goals without losing sight of what I have
right now.

It has been a long and hard beginning -- and I'll be continuing counseling
for quite a while -- but I am convinced that what I see in my life is real.
My friends and family have also seen my life change. Jill, my SWMBO, has
decided that our marriage will continue and that it is time for me move back
into our home. Our relationship has really taken off.

The many of you who have sent correspondence and e-mails offering words of
concern, comfort, and encouragement will always be remembered fondly; I
again want thank each of you.

For those wondering about my plans for starting a 'Q Joint, it is proceeding
with all deliberate speed. Obviously the time-line for opening has
changed -- but not by much. I plan our grand opening for June or July,
instead of March, as was the previous plan. That should, hopefully, work
better for you, Harry :-) I have posted a picture of my revised business
card on ABF.

The day before the Grand Opening, we will be having an invitation-only
PRE-grand opening. This will be a full-blown dress rehearsal the day before
we actually start hosting paying customers. All of the food and beverages
will be FREE. The date isn't set yet, but I will be letting you all know
what that PRE-grand opening date will be four weeks prior. I will hopefully
see many of you there. I will also be inviting business leaders, Chamber of
Commerce members, local government officials, business owners and managers,
etc, to attend (hey, this is a great way to advertise our availability and
menu for catering on and off-site business luncheons). Of course, friends
and family will be invited as well.

I have a GREAT location identified and under negotiation. The longest part
of the start-up will be the building of the 1600 sq ft. building (it will be
a pole building), since there is no ideal -- or even third-tier ideal --
spot to lease.

On Wednesday, I leave for Florida and will be driving back home via the gulf
coast, Texas and New Mexico. I'll be gone for about 10 days. I would like a
short list of prime 'Q brisket spots THAT YOU HAVE ACTUALLY EATEN AT AND
LOVE THE FOOD. I can get any old list from the web, but I would like to make
a list of spots that are favorites. The only spot that is a fer-sure stop is
Danny's D.Q. in Carlsbad, NM.

Big Jim, I'll be stopping by on Thursday or Friday if you're around.... Let
me know if your store will be open for customers on either day.

Ahhhhh, it feels good to be back. I just wish Hound was still with us.

Best Regards,