How much would YOU pay for a Hass Avocado?
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Posts: 24,847
How much would YOU pay for a Hass Avocado?
In article >,
> If we were allowed to send our good Kona Avocados (avos grow wild here
> in Kona and some, along the roads, are just junk) to CA and to other
> parts of the mainland, you would enjoy the taste difference, BUT CA
> and its Calvado won't let us ship from Hawaii, crying about the "fruit
> fly" issue.Ha, they are just protecting their tiny Hass and its
> industry.
> Avocados aren't necessary but if you could taste a Kahaluu, you would
> enjoy it for its flavor alone.
> aloha,
> Cea
> roast beans to kona to email
> farmers of Pure Kona
If there were any left after your border collie pigged out on all of
them... <g>
Peace! Om
"Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive." -- Dalai Lama
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