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Dan Abel Dan Abel is offline
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Default PING: Leo Blaisdell re twice-bakeds

In article >,
Goomba > wrote:

> Upon hearing that Barb makes these for her grandbebe and they were so
> well received, I thought it might be something my own little one might
> enjoy? Any suggestions of what you'd enjoy eating inside your twice
> baked potatoes?


potatoes (I like small ones for small people)
trees (broccoli)
green onions, chopped
white pepper
salt (maybe)
orange cheese, grated

Bake or microwave potatoes. We always microwave them. While they are
cooling (so you don't burn your hands), chop down trees and steam. Cut
potatoes in half. Depending on shape of potatoes, you want the widest
part with the skin on to go on the baking sheet. Use a spoon to hollow
out shells. Put shells on a baking sheet and insides into a large
enough bowl for potatoes and other ingredients. If a few shells don't
make it, that just leaves more stuffing. Add some butter, milk (half
and half is better, but not on our diet), onions and a little white
pepper. Mash. We like them very chunky. Taste. Add salt if it needs
it (and enough for the trees). If the trees are in long pieces, chop to
about 1/2". Add trees and mix the stuffing gently. Stuff shells and
put grated cheese on top of each one (or leave some without cheese if
some don't like it). Bake in medium (325F) oven until cheese melts. If
the potatoes cooled off too much, or you added cold ingredients (like
last night's trees out of the fridge), then cook a few minutes longer.

We got this recipe from our child care provider for our oldest, when he
was about two. She had problems getting her kids to eat certain things,
so she gave them funny names. We still call broccoli "trees" even
though our oldest is now 30.

Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA