On Sun, 28 Dec 2008 16:54:54 -0600, Becca >
>l, not -l wrote:
>> On 28-Dec-2008, Sqwertz > wrote:
>>> I thought you were going to say ".. every time I hear that name.".
>>> I got sick last time I ate at Taco Bell, too. Didn't eat for 2 days
>>> after that.
>> Perhaps TB should market their products as a new weight-loss program.
>After the holidays, I need a weight loss plan. I probably ate 1/2 a
>fruitcake, in addition to divinity, fudge and cookies. I made the
>fruitcake, but my mother and my sister made the rest. I only ate it so I
>wouldn't hurt their feelings.
Gotta admire someone who is so devoted and protective of the feelings
of others. LOL!
Change JamesBond to his agent number to reply.