On Sun, 28 Dec 2008 20:33:03 -0800 (PST), Jason
> wrote:
>Hi everyone.
>I have started milling my own flour with my home flour mill. I have
>also started a pretty promising rye starter. I have been digging
>through the internet for information on how to go about making a 100%
>or nearly 100% rye sourdough.
>I have a good general understanding of what to do to make a rye
>sourdough, but I would like some help in narrowing a couple things
>Here are my basic questions:
>There are some really widely divergent figures given in different
>recipes. I have come across a couple recipes which look fine, but the
>figures are so different that I don't know which one to believe.
>I am curious about 1) how long to proof or multiple stage proof, and
>2) baking - time and temp?
>I have narrowed it down to two general methods that I would like to
>Ronald Feldstein gives a promising method:
>http://groups.google.com/group/rec.f...6255bc3f fa8f
>Is this a good one to follow, given that this is my first attempt at a
>pure rye sourdough?
>No Spam also gives a method that sounds like it comes from lots of
>experience, but seems rather complex:
>http://groups.google.com/group/rec.f...a4107758 1846
>Would this be a good method to follow, and/or better than Feldstein's
>above? Bear in mind, I don't have a food scale.
>I will continue to search through this group, but any advice would be
>appreciated. I don't even care if this attempt comes out poorly, I
>want to learn how to do a good rye sourdough.
Hi Jason,
I intend no disrespect when I ask...
What might someone provide you that you do not already have?
You already have some opinions about how to proceed. No
doubt, you could get more opinions, but ultimately you will
have to latch on to one of the approaches, and give it a
The situation would be completely different were you to have
an opportunity to taste a particular bread that you loved.
Then, the opinions of the person who baked that loaf would
be of great value, but without that, it would seem that
there is little that anyone could offer at this point.
So, my suggestion would be that you simply give one of 'em a
Then, if you want to modify some aspect of the result, there
are folks here who would be happy to help.
Have fun... (It's only flour).
All the best,
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