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Chemiker Chemiker is offline
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Default Three silly questions about kitchen equipment

On Sat, 27 Dec 2008 21:16:53 -0800, sf > wrote:

>On Sat, 27 Dec 2008 20:13:21 -0800 (PST), phaeton
> wrote:
>>3) Can i use one of those old-style oven-going thermometers in the
>>slow cooker too? My thoughts on this are that it would be great to be
>>able to use the slow cooker as a miniature oven in the summertime. I
>>could roast things in it on HI while putting less heat into the place
>>as compared to using a conventional oven.

>Never thought about it. I guess so. Why not just spend $6 on an
>instant read thermometer?

Probably because removing the lid allows heat loss and screws up your
timing. Having said that, I have 3 crock-pots of varying mfr, one of
which is a 3 qt rival w/plastic lid. I hit a thrift store and bought a
spare lid for $1.00, drilled a small hole in it and run my #1
electronic thermometer probe through it if I need to. Also, if
you drill the hole *just* big enough for the steel probe part
of your instant read thermometer, you can actually monitor the
progress of your slow cooker. Don't try drilling the glass lids...

You *could* put a smalll bain-marie in the CP, with some
sort of flat cover and put your oven thermometer on top of that
I guess, though moisture wouldl probably rust it up before long.
