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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Posts: 24,847
Default How much would YOU pay for a Hass Avocado?

In article >,

> >
> >you probably know more about this than me, but there are lots of
> >restrictions on bringing fruit to california, not just avocados. the
> >medfly issue is no joke:
> >
> ><>
> >
> >your pal,
> >blake

> Agreed Blake, the Mediterranean fruit fly is no joke but seriously we
> believe that the ban it is mainly to protect the avocado industry of
> CA. Calvado is a very wealthy PAC. They are afraid that if that ban
> was lifted, we would flood the mainland with our superior avocados.
> From Wikipidea ...." Under heavy pressure from the state's
> agricultural industry, which believed that billions of dollars' worth
> of crops were..."
> The Med fly does not go after avocados- according to my SO who has a
> deep interests in ag and in bugs. Here in Hawaii the med fly does not
> let us grow tomatoes but we do have avocados!

Washing fruits in hot soapy water kills fruit fly eggs. Dad is a banana
freak. Loves the things. We had a constant fruit fly problem until I
read HERE on this list about simply washing the fruits well as soon as
they came into the house since the eggs were usually ON the bananas.

I've had very few fruit flies in the house ever since. ;-) I'm pleased.

Changing the fruit processing procedures to include hot soapy water
would probably solve everybody's fruit fly problem.
Peace! Om

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