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Nancy Young[_2_] Nancy Young[_2_] is offline
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Default So here I yam, wondering about what to do for breakfast.

Wayne Boatwright wrote:

> Is it just me, or have the selection and quality of Dunkin' Donuts
> dropped since they've gone through this close up/knock down/rebuild
> thing with most of their stores across the country? They're prices
> are jacked up, too. $8.95/doz is a bit much.

Wow, that's high. I thought their sour cream donuts lost
something when they switched from trans-fats. And the
last time I got one of those chocolate donuts, it was nothing
like they used to be, just some pudding like stuff in the
middle. I know they're stupid, but I liked to get one of
those now and then. Not any more. I don't know if it's just
my local DD, though.
