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flitterbit flitterbit is offline
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Default Three silly questions about kitchen equipment

Omelet wrote:
> In article >,
> flitterbit > wrote:
>> blake murphy wrote:
>>> On Sun, 28 Dec 2008 12:16:26 -0800, sf wrote:
>>>> On Sun, 28 Dec 2008 10:43:52 -0800 (PST), phaeton
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> They're apparently "just Revere",
>>>> If they're my mother's Revere - they're thin. I don't like them.
>>>> Newer Revere has thicker bottoms, but I still don't see why there
>>>> would be a problem throwing them in the dishwasher.
>>>>> and my knives are "just" Chicago Cutlery. I dunno... -I- like them. :-)
>>>> Isn't Chicago Cutlery a decent brand? I thought it was. Treat them
>>>> the way they *should* be treated and they'll last you a lifetime.
>>> i have one of their boning knives that i like and use quite a lot. carbon
>>> steel, so i can sharpen it myself.
>>> your pal,
>>> blake
>> >
>> >

>> That's why we bought Chicago Cutlery knives 25+ years ago; they're still
>> going strong, and we can sharpen them ourselves whenever necessary.

> Geez. I have "heirloom" knives that are over 40 years old and still
> going strong. They have always been hand washed and will always be hand
> washed!

Well, I'm not quite old enough -- yet -- to have bought knives 40+ years
ago, but that day will come ;D I hand-wash knives, too; it's not that
big a deal, and it prolongs the life of the knife.