So here I yam, wondering about what to do for breakfast.
"Andy" > wrote
> My kind of breakfast and/or dinner!
> Toast or waffles or English muffins with that?
No, dahhling. My sister, who bakes like my mother did, killed me with carbs
over Christmas. Fresh croissants and sourdough rolls for breakfast and
lunch, and all day, English Walnut Pound Cake, cream cheese spritz cookies,
almond crescents, Jewish Apple Cake, White Trash candy mix (this array of
junk including pretzels coated with white chocolate), peanut butter cookies,
white chocolate currant cake (a moist yellow cake with currant jelly between
the laters frosted with a white chocoloate cream cheese frosting) tollhouse
cookies, sugar cookies, homemade cinnamon danish for breakfast, macaroons,
and many more. *burp* I must forgo the carbs for a while lest I blow up like
the late Marlon Brando. But I LOVE toast, waffles and muffins.