The Future of RFC?
Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> If that doesn't satisfy you, then I guess there'll be no
> satisfaction. Sorry, Cathy.
> Mind you, if he responds to this, don't be surprised at my reply. I
> didn't write this to himi, but to you.
Fair enough. I was just hopin'... I won't nag you any more either.
> Kill file growning by leaps and bounds.
The funny thing is, my kf is at it's lowest at the moment. I do kill the
googlegroups posts (because I got tired of the shoes, handbags, and
those drive-by posts just to get 'clicks' on some site or other - not
to mention the trolling that comes from there too) but I have put
exceptions in my kf for the 'regulars' that post from there. But then
again I don't get *that* annoyed anymore when folks call me 'colorful
names' or insult my ancestry etc. - because I probably deserved it for
posting something or other... Let's face it, we all have our 'off' days
(whether we're male or female - so no remarks about PMS, if you please
<g>) and oftentimes we pay for it. Anyway, if and when it gets too much
for me, I'll just unsubsribe.
Chatty Cathy