Breakfast turned out to be...
On Tue 30 Dec 2008 08:17:15a, ChattyCathy told us...
> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> We have a houseguest until new years. I made stuffed French toast
>> made with French bread and sandwiched with a mixture of cream cheese
>> and orange
>> marmalade. Along with that was extra thick bacon. They had bloody
>> marys. I came to work.
> Ohhh, yummy. Got room for another houseguest? But may I have a virgin
> mary to go with that, please? ;-)
Sure you can and yes you may.
Reminds me of a time when I was with a group from work at some sort of
celebration lunch. As the waitress was taking drink orders, the older lady
next to me proudly and quite audibly ordered a "bloody virgin".
Wayne Boatwright
(correct the spelling of "geemail" to reply)
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Date: Tuesday, 12(XII)/30(XXX)/08(MMVIII)
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Countdown till New Year's Eve
15hrs 7mins
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My greatest fear is that one of the candidates will win.
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