Soap Digest for RFC
Can anyone tell me where I can look at an issue of the Soap Digest for all
the players, characters, and plots for RFC? I'm a newbie, plus, I've been
out of town for vacation. Apparently, someone or something died or has been
ill recently. Or maybe it's just a developing smell among the contestants
at this stage of Survival. The usual list of suspects is fighting again,
and Wally and the Beaver just haven't been themselves since Ward found that
"crab removal tool" under The Beaver's bed.
Perhaps one could take the time to just shortly outline the main characters
and plots.
In other groups I'm in, people just skip threads by looking at the titles,
or kill file idiots who are known perverts or just maladjusted. Then there
are the intellectual giants who can just SEE the subject line: SEX WITH
GOATS PICS and know to skip right over that.
Thanks for the help.