Thread: Meat
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phaeton phaeton is offline
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Default Meat

On Dec 30, 2:09*pm, PeterLucas > wrote:
> I have a powerful craving for some meat. What with the SO's kids being
> vegan I am about to snap if I dont see some meat real soon. Can
> anybody suggest some REVERSE VEGAN recipes? I want to make dinner
> tonite full of meat but disguised as garbanzo beans (or some other
> such hippy shit).

If they are truly vegan you won't fool them. Even if you did fool
them they'd likely get sick if they ate it.

However, as a meat eater and once having a live-in vegetarian
girlfriend, I made it a point right up front that I'm not going to
stop eating meat because she doesn't. She didn't cook (most girls
don't these days) so it was all me. Sure, I made it a point to make
meatless things for her, or at least separate the meat from the rest
of the dish so that I could add it back into mine.

But while I will respect other people's eating habits and choices, I
would also expect them to respect mine.
