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zxcvbob zxcvbob is offline
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Default Home ground meat

Cheryl wrote:
> I wonder if we could revisit a topic that's bound to have been discussed
> her a bajillion times - how to grind your own meat. I got a meat
> grinder for Christmas (and others may have too) and I'm not sure where
> to start. Not how to use the thing, but how to choose meat, and if
> anyone is happy with mixing animal types to make a lower fat ground meat
> to cook or BBQ with. Can you help?

I generally use a packer-cut (whole) brisket to make ground beef. Chuck
roast probably works better, but it's more expensive. I cut the meat
into large chunks that will feed in the grinder hopper, and trim away
any gristle that I can. I grind it twice; once with a large-holed
plate, then mix it up, the grind again with a small plate.

The meat should be ice cold to grind well without smearing.

Pork butts or fresh "picnics" (front leg) work well for making sausage.

What else do you want to know?
