Omelet > wrote in
>> So small!!!! :-)
> It's nowhere near filled to capacity.
> I don't download movie files.
I've only got 51Gig of movies :-)
>> I've got a 500lt main fridge/freezer combo (upside down) inside with
>> a 250lt 'run-off' fridge/freezer combo, with a 335lt fridge (only)
>> outside on the deck as a beer/drinks fridge :-)
>> Oh........ and a huge chest freezer.
>> Everything is chockers at the moment, but I keep telling the SO,
>> "It's the party season!!"
> I'm trying to live out of the freezer for now to save budget. There is
> plenty in there.
Samesame. We have some party type snacks etc leftover, but we have
Australia Day comming up in a little over 3 weeks, so that should see
the last of the party stuff :-)
Peter Lucas
You will travel through the valley of rejection;
you will reside in the land of morning mists...and you will find your
though it will not be where you left it.