Ping: Omelet
On Dec 31, 5:21*pm, Sheldon > wrote:
> Thank you (to Gregory Morrow).
> I'm sucking down my usual Crystal Palace vodka and ruby red grapefruit
> juice rocks while my roast beef rests... saving da bubbly for when the
> ball comes down... once a year I break out one of the four Tiffany
> flutes my brother sent me years ago.
> Woke up to a wicked snow this AM, everything virginal white... and
> right now it's 7F.
> I try my best to entertain myself and in turn hope to entertain
> others.
> HAPPY NEW YEAR to you too.
Sheldon, how happy I am to see a HNY (a Happy New Year silly, not your
nekkid hiney, you!) posted by you here, as you have spent some very
appreciated time helping me in the past. Adding to your salutations,
I'd like to give the same wish to this entire group (less any trolls,
spammers or continuing know nothings, feel nothings that try to
downgrade others having grieving hearts over this month's tragic loss
of a beautiful-in-every-way rfc woman). Several of you have been good
teachers for me, as well as directly to me, and I thank you all and
wish you not only good cookings, but warm hearts.
....Picky, in the Southern California High Desert where it's now just a
tolerable 49 degrees or so, rather than the 95+ daily temps I adore.