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Default High Tech Kitchen Idea

On Jan 1, 1:09 pm, Kajikit > wrote:
> On Fri, 26 Dec 2008 11:48:39 -0800 (PST),
> wrote:
> >Capture recipes of interest with digital camera. Especially useful
> >when you're away and it's not *your* cookbook or magazine article or
> >whatever. Beats the heck out of scanning/printing or copying.

> >Display recipe(s) in kitchen on a digital picture frame. I just got
> >one for Christmas. Today, watching stored pic's flash by, including a
> >photo-snarfed recipe or two captured on the camera card, this idea
> >dawned on me. I can see the DPF hanging on a cabinet door real soon.

> That's not a bad idea! I've never understood the people who want to
> have a whole computer in the kitchen but a suitably-large digital
> picture frame would probably work nicely!

So I hung the thing on a kitchen cabinet a couple of days ago using
brown wires that more or less matched the color of the cabinet doors
and routed the power cord so that the door would open cleanly and the
wire would be out of the way. I put a couple of photo-captured
recipes on a memory card and even went to the library yesterday to
snag a couple of photos of recipes in their various cooking
magazines. Plus, rather than drag a large cookbook down from upstairs
(they're all over the place in chez moi) for something I wanted for
New Year's Eve, I just took a snapshot of it. The DPF setup works
very well! It hangs there at about eye level and as mentioned before,
takes up no counter space.

And surprise! When you're not cooking, it can even slide-show through
pictures like a, uh, digital picture frame :-)

Suggestion if you do this: Get one that has a remote control and easy
access to the card slot. Trying to operate one (zooming in on
particulars of a recipe or switching between recipes without a remote
will be a PitA.)

But wait! There's more! :-)
It makes a nice night light too! (Had guests in the room off the
kitchen, so it made their middle-of-the-night trips to the bathroom

Silvar Beitel