Although not known to be a hereditary tie-over from any primate
ancestors, anybody who believes they have instincts to 'scent-roll' in
cow entrails, may now mark their territory & show off to the pack- all
in the comfort of the den/without seeing the eyes of prey in the wild!
Introducing Burger King’s cologne: “Flame” - purpose designed to smell
like burnt cow flesh while concealing your own odor! Wallow in it for
$3.99. You can avoid vitamin D too, the postman delivers it to you!
Whether you're trying to sneak up on cows or score with that special,
blood-thirsty date, you can spray yourself with this product, which
may allow you closer proximity to prey & courtly love.
Here is the ad I found in the local paper:
"Meat Me Out Back
Flame, a new men's body spray by Burger King Corp., features the scent
of seduction with the hint of flame-broiled meat."